"A Bummerl is always possible! Because at Schnopsn there is no curfew and there are always players ready!"


Deal cards, lead, take a trick! Turn, collect points - and attach a Bummerl to the opponent! There is probably nothing nicer than ending the day with a cultivated game of Schnaps

Whether it's hits like 'Ana hat immer das Bummerl' by Horst Chmela, 'I drah zua' by Wolfgang Ambros or legendary sayings like 'He never learns Schnapsen, because you need a brain' by 'Mundl' Sackbauer : Schnapsen is a traditional Austrian affair.

And that to this day! Whether for two or even four at the Bauernschnapsen, the legendary game with 20 cards for trick, atout and bummerl is simply part of a successful evening.

But only if the necessary preparations have been made beforehand. Because if you want to meet for Schnapsen, you first have to make an appointment. Who has time? Who is bringing the cards? Then the crucial question remains: Where should we play? In the pub, in the café or in the tavern, no question. Only: The Stammbeisl is closed right now, the café's curfew is much too early anyway. So the cards have to stay at home. Nevertheless, in this case you do not have the Bummerl: Your trump card is Schnopsn!


Schnapse online, anytime and anywhere! And exactly how you want it!

Whether hobby player, professional or gambler: With us, every player makes a Stich!

Schnapsen Spielen

Schnapsen: The game in a nutshell

Schnapsen is played with 20 cards. Each player's goal in Schnapsen is to score 66 points. These points are scored by taking tricks. At the beginning, a trump suit is determined, the so-called atout. This atout ranks above all other colors. As soon as there are no more cards in the stack, all players are forced to take turns.

At the end, all the points on the cards in your own tricks are added up. These points are supplemented by those earned through so-called 'Ansagen'.

Alternatively, the player with the last trick wins.

If you would like to know more precisely what terms such as turn, talon, swap atout cards, ansagen or compulsory stitches are all about, we recommend taking a look at our Game instruction.

Participate in tournaments and climb the World ranking at Schnopsn Online!

It doesn't matter whether you fancy a game of Schnapsen at 6 a.m. or 6 p.m., you can always find an opponent at Schnopsn Online, and it's completely free! There's always action at Schnopsn Online because our FREE app has a broad base of players. So you can be sure that an opponent is available to you at any time of the day or night. Individual games are just as possible as real tournaments.

Take on hundreds of thousands of opponents and climb the World ranking

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